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Management of Material Topics
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) revised its universal standards in October 2021. GRI 3 provides methodologies and disclosure methods for companies to identify, list, and manage their material issues. In its sustainability report, Sinyi Realty will follow the GRI 3 methodology to conduct a detailed assessment of the real estate development industry, extensively collect relevant ESG issues, and continuously engage and communicate with stakeholders, experts, and scholars. This approach aims to identify the actual and potential impacts of various ESG issues on the company's operations, including risks and opportunities. These issues will then be prioritized based on their materiality, serving as an important reference for the company's materiality issues meetings and determining the material issues presented in the report.
Organizational Context
1. Identification of stakeholders:
According to the Sinyi Group strategy and in accordance with the five principles of the AA1000 SES-2015 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES), we identified and continued to communicate with a total of six categories of stakeholders, i.e., the environment, employees, customers, shareholders, the society (including media, government agencies, and competent authorities) and suppliers.
2. Identification of issues of concern:
Sinyi Development conducted a comprehensive analysis of the global trends, internal and external business activities, and the characteristics of the real estate industry. Sinyi Development referred to various sources, including the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Sustainability Reports by TWSE Listed Companies, the definition of sustainable economic activities and international standards and guidelines (e.g., GRI, TCFD and SASB), in order to collect and categorize sustainability issues of concern. In total, 56 issues of concern were identified, taking into account Sinyi Group´s net zero policy and the specific issues of concern highlighted in 2021.
Evaluation Actual & Potential Impacts
Sinyi Development communicated with stakeholders through various internal and external channels, such as interactions with competent authorities, third-party collaborations, community-building activities, supplier meetings, and different internal company meetings. The purpose was to address the identified sustainability issues of concern. Feedback regarding these issues was collected and analyzed accordingly to gain a comprehensive understanding of their significance.
Assessment of Impact Significance
Sinyi Development is committed to pursuing shared prosperity with all stakeholders. We thoroughly assessed the actual and potential impacts associated with the issues of concern, taking into account the opinions and feedback received through all communication channels. This served as important information for the General Manager and senior executives from different functions in determining and ranking the material issues for the current year.
Reporting Prioritization
To summarize the key information, Sinyi Development distributed questionnaires to the General Manager and senior executives at different departments. These questionnaires were designed to follow the three aforementioned steps and incorporated insights from the material topics identified in 2021. We also sought input from experts and consultants. Each topic was carefully analyzed to assess its level of impact on environmental protection, social responsibility and governance, as well as the likelihood of occurrence. Based on the analysis, the topics with the most substantial impacts were ranked and selected as the material topics for reporting priority in this report for the year. Based on the key information summarized by the General Manager and senior executives, considering the feedback from the stakeholders, the 2021 list of material topics and the opinions of experts and consultants, it was determined that the material topics for the year remained unchanged from 2021. This statement was made considering that there were no significant changes in organizational activities or business relationships. As mentioned earlier, the levels of impact for each topic were ranked from the highest to the lowest. Based on the materiality threshold, which is determined by an aggregate score of 116 (the sum of the scores for “level of impact on environmental protection, social responsibility and governance" and “the likelihood of occurrence"), a total of 23 material topics were established. In this report, Sinyi Development addresses each material topic with a positive approach. We will formulate action plans and implement management measures to express our emphasis on ESG issues, align the interests of stakeholders and promote sustainable operations.
Below 99 points
Not in the report
Special Response
100 to 115 points
Focusing on the needs of stakeholders,
Respond in the report or official website
116 points or more
Detailed response on strategies and practices
In the report section
List of Topics
Sinyi Development follows its own industry characteristics and collects issues from various internal and external communication channels, such as global and industry norms and standards, community monitoring systems, internal experts, etc., totaling 56 issues of concern.
Significant Issues Matrix

References to Material Topics
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